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Vertaistuotannon laatu


Teoksia, artikkeleita ja linkkejä, joissa vertaistuottamisesta ja laadun erilaisista näkökulmista puhutaan

Ahmed, P.K. – Kok, L.K. – Loh, A.Y.E.: Learning through knowledge management. Butterworth Heinemann 2002.

Anderson, C: The Long Tail : Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More. Hyperion 2006.

Anderson, P.: What is Web 2.0? - Ideas, technologies and implications for education. JISC Technology and Standards Watch, Feb. 2007 – at

Barrett, E. (ed.): Sociomedia – Multimedia, Hypermedia and the Social Construction of Knowledge. The MIT Press 1994.

Benkler, Yochai: The Wealth of Networks. Yale University Press, USA 2006.

Brown J.S. - Duguid P.: Balancing act: How to capture knowledge without killing it. Harvard Business Review 78 (3) (2000), 73-80.

Cross, J: Informal Learning: Rediscovering the Natural Pathways That Inspire Innovation and Performance. Pfeiffer 2006.

Duval, E.: LearnRank: Towards a real quality measure for Learning. In Ehlers, U.-D. – Pawlowski, J.M.: Handbook of Quality and Standardisation in E-Learning. Heidelberg 2006.

Ehlers, U-D: Web 2.0 – eLearning 2.0 – Quality 2.0 – Perspectives on a change in learning culture and quality concepts” . In Hohenstain, A. – Wilbers, K. (eds.): Handbuch E-Learning. Köln 2008.

Ehlers, U-D. – Pawlowski, J. (eds.): Handbook on Quality and Standardisation in E-Learning. Springer 2006.

Ehlers, U-D. – Pawlowski, J.: Quality in European e-learning: An introduction. In Ehlers, U-D. –

Pawlowski, J. (eds.): Handbook on Quality and Standardisation in E-Learning. Springer 2006.

Ghosh, Rishab Aiyer: CODE – Collaborative Ownership and the Digital Economy. The MIT Press, USA 2005.

Goldman, R. – Gabriel, R.P.: Innovation Happens Elsewhere – Open Source as Business Strategy. Elsevier 2008.

Guest, T.: Second Lives – A journey through virtual worlds. Arrow Books 2007.

Harasim. L. et al.: Learning Networks. The MIT Press 1995.

Hietanen, Herkko – Oksanen, Ville – Välimäki, Mikko: Community Created Content. Turre Legal, Helsinki 2007.

Joutsenvirta, Taina et al: Sulautuva opetus - uusi tapa opiskella ja opettaa. Juvenes Print, Tampere 2009.

Kalliala, Eija - Toikkanen, Tarmo: Sosiaalinen media opetuksessa. FINN LECTURA OY AB, Helsinki 2009.

Keen, A: The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet Is Killing Our Culture and Assaulting Our Economy. Nicholas Brealey Publishing 2007.

Koli, Hannele; Verkko-ohjauksen käsikirja. Oy FINN LECTURA Ab, Helsinki, 2008.

Kotzinos, D. et al.: Online Curriculum on the Semantic Web:The CSD-UoC Portal for Peer-to-Peer E-learning. Proceeding of WWW 2005, May 10-14, 2005, Chiba, Japan.

Kupias, Päivi: Kouluttajana kehittyminen. Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press / Palmenia, Helsinki 2008.

Leadbeater, C: We-think: The Power of Mass Creativity. Profile Books 2008.

Liebenson, Jeff (edited by): User-Generated Content - New Business models & Legal Issues. Five Eight, London 2008.

Lih, A: The Wikipedia Revolution: How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World's Greatest Encyclopedia. Hyperion 2009.

Maehr, M. – Stallings, R.: Freedom from external evaluation. Child Development 43 (1972), 177-185.

McGuinness, D.L. et al..: Investigations into Trust for Collaborative Information Repositories: A Wikipedia Case Study. WWW2006 Workshop on the Models of Trust for the Web (MTW’06), Edinburgh, Scotland.

Matikainen, Janne: verkko kasvattajana - mitä aikuisen tulisi tietää ja ajatella verkosta. Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press / Palmenia, Helsinki 2008.

Moore, M.G.: Network Systems: The Emerging Organizational Paradigm. The American Journal of Distance Education, (2003) 17 (1), 1–5.

Nonaka, Ikujiro – Takeuchi, Hirotaka: The Knowledge-Creating Company. Oxford University Press, USA 1995.

OECD - Working Party on Information Technology, 2007: Participative Web: User-created content. DSTI/ICCP/IE(2006)7/FINAL. OECD

O´Reilly, T.: What is Web 2.0? - Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software -

Otala, Leenamaija - Pöysti, Kaija: Wikimaniaa yrityksiin. WS Bookwell Oy, Porvoo 2008.

Parker, K.R. – Chao, J.T.: Wiki as a Teaching Tool. Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects, 2007 (vol 3), pp. 57 – 72.

Pettenenati, M.C. – Cigognini, M.E.: Social Networking Theories and Tools to Support Connectivist Learning Activities. International Journal of Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 42 – 60.

Prahalad, C.K. – Krishnan, M.S.: The New Age of Innovation – Driving Cocreated Value through Global Networks. McGraw-Hill 2008.

Prahalad, C.K. – Ramaswamy, V: The Future of Competition – Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers. Harvard Business School Press 2004.

Rask, Morten, "The Richness and Reach of Wikinomics: Is the Free Web-Based Encyclopedia Wikipedia Only for the Rich Countries?" . Proceedings of the Joint Conference of The International Society of Marketing Development and the Macromarketing Society, June 2-5, 2007 (available at SSRN:

Reardon, Robert F.: Informal learning after organizational change. The Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol 17, nr. 7 (2004), pp. 385 – 395.

Richardson, W.: Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Corwin Press 2006.

Rolheiser, C. – Ross, J.A.: Student self-evaluation: What research says and what practice shows. In Small, R.D. – Thomas, A. (eds.): Plain Talk About Kids. Covington 2001.

Salmenkivi, Sami - Nyman, Niko: Yhteisöllinen media ja muuttuva markkinointi. Talentum, Helsinki 2007.

Senge, P.M.: The Fifth Discipline – The Art & Practive of The Learning Orgnization. Century Business 1990.

Surowiecki J: The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few. Abacus 2005.

Tapsoctt, D. – Ticoll, D. – Lowy, A.: Digital Capital – Harnessing the Power of Business Webs.Nicholas Bearley Publishing 2000.

Tapscott, Don – Williams, Anthony D.: Wikinomics. Portfolio, USA 2006.

Wenger, E.: Communities of practice: learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Williams, J.B.: Exploring the use of blogs as learning spaces in the higher education sector. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 2004, 20(2), 232-247.

Wirth, M.A.: An analysis of international quality management approaches in e-learning: Different paths, similar pursuits. In Ehlers, U-D. – Pawlowski, J. (eds.): Handbook on Quality and Standardisation in E-Learning. Springer 2006.